Tuesday 31 July 2012

Ain't life grand.. oh don't complain about ASDA !!

Greetings Worlds !!

How has your day been ?  Mine started off sort of "so so".... then went really downhill... but, as I type, things are really pretty good !!  More of all of that later.....

Ok - I've been home most, well actually all day !! B went into town earlier, to take in a gym class & drop J off at a meeting - something about starting up his computer thingy.... anyhoo - they got home, a little after lunch time.  Now, B has gone back out to her weight-watchers meeting.

She still isn't 100%.... still got a bit of a bug, but - she had to go, as all of the meeting stuff was here in a box !!  She couldn't really get out of !! Oh well....

That leaves ME - who, as I type, is on her way home, from her 2nd day in her new job.  The big news is - she got her final marks today, from all of her Uni course.  She has - as we more or less expected - got a 2.1 !!  Well good - we're very proud and pleased for her & of her !!

Anyhoo - as I type, the music of the moment is a 2 Cd set by Diamond Head.  They had a heck of a career marked out for themselves, many moons ago - then, as happens, it all imploded on them !!  Never mind - all is good, as long as it's good music !!  I'm not sure if that falls into that little bracket, but never mind - it's loud, it rocks & at one time, I met the bass player who plays on this live set !!  No biggy - he was a friend of a guy I knew thru' work.... oh well.

Right... back to my day.  If you read my posts last week, you will know I had a "run-in" with the car park attendant & the manager of ASDA, here in town.  Well, as it really p**s*d myself & B off, I contacted the head office, via their web site & made a complaint.

Well, a really nice lady called me back, on Friday & took as many details as she wanted.... and told me she would pass it on.  I understood her to mean, that, she would give it to the manager's boss. Anyhoo - I was told I would hear something within 72 hours & today, I got a letter from ASDA !!

Believe this or not - the letter came from the same manager I had complained about !!  He had done his own investigation into my complaint - about him and the car park attendant - and, surprise surprise it was all my fault !!

As I wrote before, the staff involved closed ranks with the car park attendant & it was all of my fault !!  How cool is that !!  I make a complaint about a guy & he investigates it & decides he did nothing wrong !! Crazy !!

He says, the car park attendant didn't swear at me & I sort of made the whole thing up !!  In a nut shell - I lied about the whole thing !!  Why would I do that ?!  I made a complaint, as the attendant wasn't doing his job - he then says it was all my fault !!  I repeat - crazy !!

So - earlier today ... well, I was really "mad" about the whole thing !!  So - I've e-mailed the complaints department again - mentioning how dumb it is, to have someone investigate themselves, let alone write back, that he had done nothing wrong.  Plus... and this bit has brightened my whole afternoon - I've written a nice little letter, to the boss of ASDA !!

The letter, more or less, said the same as the e-mails... but, if they are going to investigate themselves & claim it's all the customer's fault, well - in my humble opinion, the system needs to be looked at & who better to do that, than the head man or woman !!

It's - as I've said already - crazy.... why would I go nuts, lose my temper & what have you ?  The guy did say I was "fu**i*g idiot" and as far as I'm concerned, it was because of his attitude, that I blew my stack, when I did !!

So - that's been my day !!  Ain't life grand ?!

I don't think we will get anywhere with this... after all, the staff will just say it didn't happen and I'll be the guy who - for some unknown reason - went & blew his stack & demanded to see the manager !! I will let you know how things turn out......

Anyhoo - I will away for now..... it's been a quiet day & it's nearly time for my bed !!  Until next time..

Bye Bye

Monday 30 July 2012

Hi kufisto !!


Thanks for joining !!

Enjoying The Quiet......

Well Hello Worlds !!

How has your day been ?  How has your weekend been ?  Ours has been quiet.... very quiet.

B has been poorly, with some kind of bug, so that meant we stayed home yesterday & missed Church. I knew she was poorly, on Friday - but, by yesterday... well - she is a little better today !!

She has just gone into town - to do the usual.... pay bills, put money into the bank & - if she feels well enough - go & do the lunchtime gym class. I suggested she miss it - but, she says it's an easy one & wants to try it !!

So - that's the wife... J is on hand to look after me.  He has a meeting, tomorrow... but, today is a quiet day for him.  which just leaves ME - she has started her new job today !!  Bless her - I made sure I saw her, before she went... so I could say "good luck" & we had a text from her, a short while ago, saying all is well !!  Bless her - I'm really proud of both of our kids !!

Talking of kids.... I have a Son, from my first marriage.  I mention this, really out of interest.... as a day or two back, J had an e-mail from him, asking for my e-mail address.  This is very strange !!  I didn't see him, from 10 months of age, until he was 21.... and even then, it was only for a couple of hours !!

He then stayed in contact for a couple of years - & then nothing..... I mean nothing, no letters, no e-mails, no phone calls... nothing !!  We sent a birthday card to him - like we have for the last 5 years - but, that came back "No longer at this address".... so, I thought that was
it !!

But - then... on Saturday... the strange e-mail address query !!  I've not changed my e-mail, at all, for the last 10 years.... so, it's all very strange really !!  If anything of interest happens - I will let you know !!

Right - the music of the moment.... well, I'm in a laid back kind of mood... so, it's the Fleetwood Mac 4 Cd set I picked up a few weeks back.  It's the first time I've played any of it - I loaned it to M (ME's boyfriend) & he had it for most of the time.... anyhoo, that's what I'm playing as I type !!

I was looking for a Zeppelin concert... from July 30th.... but, I don't have one !!  The 1973 tour had just finished, The 1975 tour ended in May & the 1977 tour ended with the news of Robert Plant's Son dying. So, it's all quiet really as far as their live shows go.  I have some, from August, but not quite yet !!

I was a little disappointed last night... there was a broadcast of Robert Plant's live set, from WOMAD.  But - as far as I can tell, they only put out about 20 minutes worth - maybe a bit longer !!  So - that was a let down !!  I've have to check the whole disc... maybe they put more on, later in the night.  I doubt it tho' !!

However, the weekend wasn't a complete "wash out" as far as music was concerned !!  On Saturday night, I think, they put on the Beethoven broadcast (it was on the radio) on TV.  It was even better, watching it & listening to the radio broadcast !!  The singers were amazing !!

Also - I had 2 Jack White concerts come in the post !!  One from April & one from June.  I've not had time to play them all the ways thru' yet - but the bits I have heard are well good !!  See, in this homestead - you get a great wide variety of enjoyable music....... it's all good !!

I hope, this next couple of days will see the arrival of the Michael Schenker 'live' set.  I ordered it a little while ago & the last I heard, in was in the post - but, knowing 'Play'... well, it could take forever to get here !!

As yet, I've had no further news from my ASDA, regarding my complaint..... about the guy swearing at me.  The lady, who phoned, the other night said someone would get in touch with me, within 72 hours.  So - that will expire later tonight or first thing tomorrow morning..... depending on how you work it out !!

I don't think anything will be done - if the guy denies he said it & the staff, who were around him at the time "close ranks" - well, it will be forgotten about & the guy will get away with it !!  It won't be right - but, I can see that it will happen all the same !!

None of us are going to be using ASDA.  B has agreed with me, the guy was out of line & ME has decided (as soon as we told her what happened) that the guy should be sacked !!  We will have to wait & see how things pan out..

Right, my plans for today..... um, none at all really !!  All is quiet & I'm going to sit back & enjoy it, for all it's worth !!  So - until next time..

Bye Bye

Saturday 28 July 2012

Beethoven's 9th Symphony & Led Zeppelin !!

Greetings Worlds !!

How has your day been ?  It's only 11.45am here, but mine has been very chaotic, to say the least !!  But - first the weather... it's warm & breezy outside - we had a little bit of rain, but that's blown thru' now... so, it's a nice sunny day !!

As I type, I'm sat here with my headphones on, blasting Beethoven's '9th Symphony' for all it's worth into my head.  I recorded the live broadcast of it, last night from the Royal Albert Hall, in London & it's well good !!

Why anybody would have wanted to miss this - just to watch the Olympic's opening !!  No - I'm only joking !!  I recorded this, watched an episode of Star Trek Voyager and watched the Olympic thingy as well !! I didn't get to bed until well after midnight.... but, I had chance to sleep on this morning - so.... all was not lost !!

Which brings us to my "chaotic" morning !!  I got up about 10am & sorted myself out for a hair cut appointment, here in the village, at 11am.  B took me down & I was met with some awkward looks, from the lady who runs the place.  She came over & tells me - "I have you booked in for 10"... meaning, I was a hour late !!  So - I quickly pulled out my appointment card - written in her own hand writing - which showed 11am & she realised, it was her mistake & not mine !!

Several "Sorry's" later, the appointment was re-booked for Monday morning & I came home..... to basically do this post & listen to Beethoven !!  Ain't life grand ?!

We also had to sort out a bill.... which I think I mentioned yesterday.  B had paid the thing in the week & yesterday, we had a "reminder" in the post. Well, today - we had a letter, saying we were over due with our payment & all the c**p that goes with that !!  So - B phoned them up..... it turns out, they were wrong as well !!  Oh well.....

Talking of B - she & ME have headed off into either town, or Taunton - I'm not sure which.... to do a bit of shopping.  Staying well away from our local ASDA !!  Who I must say, have surprised me no end.... more of that later.......

Anyways - with the ladies out - that leaves J here to look after me.  He has just gone upstairs with his breakfast, or lunch - I've no real idea which.

Yesterday - I also mentioned the car was in for it's annual check over - which I'm glad to say, it passed with flying colours !!  So - we have a legal car, for at least another 12 months, if nothing else !!  The down side of the check over - the mechanic found some problems up in the sump area of the car - so, that's got to be replaced, sooner rather than later !!  It will cost a bit - but, we have no choice but get it fixed, we can't afford to get a different car at the moment.

Talking about costs......

...... There was a programme on TV, about some people who have left their religious community behind & struck out on their own.  Nothing wrong with that - in fact I admire them, for doing what they think is right for them. However, I didn't agree with one guy's thoughts. In particular, that he would preach the gospel full time & The Lord would provide for him & his family.  In a nutshell - he would live off the charity of others to support them !!

He mentioned that after a Church service on the Sunday - he expected to find envelopes with cash in, given by others to help his family.  That to me, well - it was wrong.... I have no problem with anybody who wants to preach... but, not at the expense of others & letting your family "suffer" (wrong word) in the process !!  Oh well... that's just me !!

Just back to music.... I have a Zeppelin concert, from today - July 28th - recorded in 1973.  It's the second night in New York & it's a complete soundboard recording.  The tracks are:

CD 1

1) Rock & Roll
2) Celebration Day
3) Black Dog
4) Over The Hills & Far Away
5) Misty Mountain Hop
6) Since I've Been Loving You
7) No Quarter

CD 2

1) The Song Remains The Same
2) The Rain Song
3) Dazed & Confused

CD 3

1) Stairway To Heaven
2) Moby Dick
3) Heartbreaker
4) Whole Lotta Love
5) The Ocean

This is a great concert... but please don't buy the bootleg. The official 'The Song Remains The Same' covers these concerts, so buy that instead... always buy the official stuff - not the bootlegs !!

Ok - I mentioned ASDA & how surprised I've been by them.  I made my first complaint a day or two back & that was followed by an e-mail from them, asking for more details.  I then sent another e-mail explaining as best I could, what had happened.

Last evening, I actually had a 'phone call, from the ASDA head
office !!  Someone had read my e-mail & it had got kicked "upstairs" to the big chair - which is what we called our CEO of the people I used to work for.  I don't think it went that high.... but, it certainly made it to head office.

The upshot of all of this is... ASDA are taking my complaint very seriously & the boss of our local store's manager's is investigating my complaint & the guy who called me a "fu***ng idiot" will probably lose his job, as it's a very serious disciplinary offence !!

I don't mean to sound nasty - I would settle for a written apology, but if their policy is to fire staff - who swear at customers - with-out warnings, well..... I guess that's his fault, for being a jerk in the first place & swearing at me !!  I will let you know what happens.... I hope they will settle for him giving me an apology, but if they fire him...... well, that's up to them I guess !!

As a Christian, I have to be honest - I will forgive & forget.... that's just me.... it's up to ASDA what they decide to do. In the meantime, we will see how good the other stores in town are !!

Right - my plans for today & the rest of the weekend.  today, I'm just going to rest up... after my late night. I don't think we'll make it to Church tomorrow... I'm not 100% & I think B has a bad bout of "hay fever" - she is really blocked up & suffering at the moment !!

A lady 'phone B in the week - to ask if we could take something to Church on Sunday. B had to explain, that we only know if we're going, on the morning of the service... it depending on my health, on the day. She couldn't understand why we didn't know in advance.... I still feel, sometimes, that people don't realise how things are for me.  this past 6 months or so haven't been the best we've ever had & we know things will get worse... it's making others (especially in The Church) realise this !!

Never mind..... I thank you all for reading my words.  From all of your the countries !! It does mean a lot to me, that you take the time to log in.  This month has been the best one so far, as far as people reading my words. I thank you all !!  Until next time.......

Bye Bye

Friday 27 July 2012

A Surprise Reply From ASDA & Pink Floyd

Well "Hello" Worlds !!

It's a fantastic Friday here in England.... well, in our part of it at least.  The Sun is out, the sky is blue & what bit of cloud there is - well, it's white & puffy.  A really great day !!

As I type - ME is upstairs, going thru' her room - giving it her once a year tidy up !!  J is here about as well - in his room, on the computer.  I think they are both having a quiet kind of day.  ME because she starts her new job on Monday - so, she is having a quiet weekend & just chilling out, getting a few last days of freedom.  J - well, he is having a quiet time as well - he's been helping out a lot this week - so, he deserves a break !!

As for B - she has gone across the close to our neighbour's. The lady is having a bad day - so, B has gone over to help her out a bit.  I think the neighbour is having visitors or something & that's freaked her out a little - so, B has gone over to just help, in any way she can.

Anyhoo - that just leaves me here.  The music of the moment is Pink Floyd's 'Live At Hollywood Bowl' concert from 1972.  Ok - it's a bootleg.... but, until the band releases it officially, it's all I've got !!  I didn't buy it..... so.....

As mentioned a day or 2 back - I had a bit of a bad day, with the guy at ASDA.  I wrote a complaint to the head office & very much to my surprise, I actually had a reply yesterday !!  Anyway - I had to write about what happened... & now, I guess, nothing will be done about
it !!  I will have to wait & see.... but, I'm not holding my breath over the whole thing.  After all, I'm just a little customer - they don't need me to make a profit !!

We can use the other supermarkets in the town...... we don't need to go to ASDA.  Oh well....

Yesterday was spend, for the most part, in the hospital.  I think I may have upset a few other patients !! To explain, as it was so hot - I was allowed, with B, to go into one of the private offices to cool off, by the open window.  Because I go into the place so often, they know me & can me by my first name - so, while others were sat there... the nurse saying ..."would you like to come in here, it's cooler"... well, it got a few looks, as you can imagine !!  Never mind.

I saw my Consultant - well, Ed, his underling (but still a great guy) and he altered the implant settings.  He said that should help - but, I have to go back in 6 weeks.......  Hopefully then it will be sorted !!  As it is - I have to see another Consultant in August... maybe, if they could be kind to me - they could see me on the same day !!  Yes - like that's going to happen !!

Whatever happens, yesterday was a hot & tiring day... so, apart from sending an e-mail or 2 last night, I didn't bother to do a post.  B gave me my meds last night, and as I was really "out of it" - she gave me a little extra sleeping "potion" & I slept like a log all thru' until about 10am this morning !!  Great stuff !!

It seems that I did get up a few times - in the night - but, I don't remember any of that... so, it was a good night's sleep !!

I have another Zeppelin concert, from July 27th 1973.  It's only part of a concert, from New York - but, it's a soundboard recording & worth having in the collection !!  The tracks are:

1) Stairway To Heaven
2) Moby Dick
3) Heartbreaker
4) Whole Lotta Love
5) The Ocean

It's just the last bit of the show - one of 3 they played in NY, at the end of the '73 American tour that year.  as always, please don't buy bootlegs !!  Buy the official stuff instead !!

Today, the country seems to be going Olympic's mad !!  Some of it has started already, in particular the football & archery.... but, the news has been covering the build up to the opening ceremony tonight.  I think that starts about 9pm - I personally will be listening to the radio, well from about 6.30pm onwards at least.  The reason being, there is a live broadcast of Beethoven's "9th Symphony" & I really want to listen to that !!

Then, about 8pm, I will be watching another station... mainly as there is an episode of "Star Trek Voyager" on & I don't think I've ever seen it - so, even tho' the Olympics are a once in a lifetime thing..... I'll see the re-runs later !!

I'm not a huge Trek fan - but, the last time I personally had chance to see tonight's episode.... well, that was probably back in 1995 !!  I think I can be forgiven for wanting to see it tonight - I doubt very much I'll be around in another 17 years, if it takes that long to show it again !!

I was hoping my new Cd would have got here by today - but, the postman has been & gone.... leaving his usual pile of junk mail &
bills !!  One of the latter - well, we paid it on Wednesday... so, I guess things got crossed in the post !!  Never mind - as long as it's been paid....

As for my plans, for this weekend.  I don't think we're doing very much really.  A lot will depend on if we have a car or not !!  To explain.... once a year, cars over 3 years old have to have a MOT certification, to show they are roadworthy & what have you.  Well, our car is being checked today - so, unless it passes, we might not have a car over the weekend !!

The little things - well, they are not a problem... but, if it's something "big" we might have to wait until next week, to get it fixed !!  I'll find out later, how things are & if it's passed or not !!  As I keep saying "time will tell" !!  It'll be weird, if we don't have a car over the weekend.... but, not the end of the World !!

I'm not sure if we will be able to go to Church this weekend anyways - car or no car - it will depend how I am, as always.  If the weather is nice - it would be a nice little trip out, but after the hospital trip yesterday, well - we'll have to see how things go.

Right - I better be on my ways. My thanks to all of you, who have logged in today.  From Russia, thru' America & back to Europe - I thank you for your time..... so, I will away.. until next time..

Bye Bye

Wednesday 25 July 2012

The last day I go to ASDA..... ?

Hi Worlds !!

How has your day been ?  Mine hasn't been the best - but, more of that later...

Ok - it's a Wednesday evening.... a bright & warm day....  B has gone out to get her hair cut, followed by a trip to the gym - where she will meet up with ME, who has been spending the day with her boyfriend.  They'll be home together about 8.30pm or so.

So that leaves me here, with J.... he has just gone back upstairs, having had a meal & watching a bit of the film 'Dark Star' - the old John Carpenter movie.  It's kind of cheap - but well funny, all the same !!

The film is still playing now - so, I've no music at the moment !!

I do have a Zeppelin concert, from July 25th 1969.  it from a show they did in Milwaukee, at some State Fair or another.  It's a complete show - but only last's about an hour, the tracks are:

1) The Train Kept A Rollin'
2) I Can't Quit You
3) Dazed & Confused
4) White Summer
5) How Many More Times
6) The Lemon Song
7) Communication Breakdown

It's a cracking little concert & I remember being well happy when I got a copy, many moons ago !!  As always, don't buy bootlegs !!

Tomorrow, I have to go back to the hospital, for a check up.... I'm not really looking forward to that. It should be Ok - but, as things are not 100% at the moment.... we will have to wait & see how things are in the morning, I guess.  I'll let you know how I get on.....

Anyhoo - today has been a bad one........

I do not like going out... I really hate the whole idea of being in crowds & everything that goes with it !!

Anyways - we landed up at ASDA.  Because of my wheelchair, I have a 'blue badge'.  This means I'm allowed to park in the marked bays...... which others should not use - if they do not have a badge.  With me so far ?

However - as seems to be the norm, there were people (or a person) parking in the bays - which meant I couldn't get in, until someone else moved.  This took about 10 minutes, give or take & in the heat, I was getting really p****d off !!

Now then - they have these signs up - saying there is a £70 fine, for people who use the bays illegally.... and there is this guy, who is meant to go around checking on the cars.  However, most times, you can find him inside, either talking or pretending to look important. So - once B had got me out of the car - I went in & asked him, what was the point of having signs up, if he isn't bothering to do his job !!

He got quite mad at me - claiming he was on a break & what have you...... so I gave as good as I got !!  Then, as I was pushing myself away - he said "fu**i*g idiot" !!  To which I blew my stack !!  How dare he !!

I demanded to see the manager & he came over & I told him exactly what had been said - we then went outside - to find the guy I was complaining about, still sat there, in his car, blocking a space !!

They went & got him to move - but, if the guy had done his job, in the first place, the driver should of got a £70 parking ticket & I wouldn't of been called a "f*****g idiot".... which, as I pointed out to him, I'm not & just because I'm in a wheel chair, it doesn't give him the right to assume I am !!

So - I told them, they could stick their shop up where the Sun doesn't shine & I wouldn't be back until I got a written apology !!

We went then to another one of the 4 big supermarkets there are in town & B did her shopping there !!  I have e-mailed the head office about the guy & told them exactly what he said & demanded a written apology - which, I guess, I won't get.... so, today could mark the last day I ever go into ASDA !!

I won't miss it.... honestly !!

Today has not been a good day !!  I only went out, because I thought I had to go to the hospital today !!  I know I get mixed up - but, I'm not going to sit there & be called an idiot, just because a guy can't do his job right !!

So - that was my day - it's not been the best one I've ever had !!  But - it has convinced me.... I only need to go outside, when I have to see someone or go somewhere.... the rest of the time, I'm staying
home !!

Right - I'm playing Neil Young's 'Rocking In The Free World'.... it's from the 'Weld' video soundtrack & has cheered me up no end - music does that a lot !!

Oh well - that's enough for tonight... until next time...

Bye Bye

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Back Again ! "Why ?"

Hi again !!

I mentioned earlier, about the DVD's that came in the post..... well, I've now had a good look at them.  Two are Robert Plant things - one concert & some other odds & ends.  One is about guys who live at the extreme of civilisation - quite a good DVD...  But, the 4th one is a bit of a puzzle !!

Not a puzzle as in - "what the heck is this ?"... more a puzzle as in "why ?".  To explain !!

It's a 2 or 3 hour concert by a British Pink Floyd tribute band.... so, I ask "why ?"  If I wanted to see Pink Floyd, in concert - well, I would certainly recommend 'Pulse' - from the 1994 Earls Court show...... not, going to see a bunch of guys playing the tracks, note for note.... where is the fun in that ?!

So "Why ?"... would anybody want to go & watch something like
this ?  I know people who go to see "tribute" bands.... but, it's not for me.... oh well - it's a nice gift & I thank my friend for mailing it on to me.... but... "Why ?"

As I type - B has gone to her weight-watchers club thingy, J is upstairs - as is ME.... who is clearing her bedroom of it's rubbish... mainly, I think, as M (her boyfriend) is coming over later.  Oh well...

The music of the moment is the above Pink Floyd tribute DVD and it's going to be a quiet night in.....

Until next time.....

Bye Bye

Balloons & Happy Children..+ Music...

Greetings Worlds !!

I hope you are turning nicely & your gravity is holding you firmly to your bit of ground ?!  I'm well planted here - in the south-west portion of England !!  The sky is blue, the sun is out & the birds are singing nicely.

I was tempted then to say "along with Iron Maiden"... as that is what I'm listening to, at the moment !!  But, I don't think it's loud enough for our fine feathered friends to hear..... I must turn it up a wee bit !!

Ok - it's a lovely Tuesday morning.... and for a little while, I'm here all on my own !!  B has gone to town, to take in a lunchtime gym class & the guys have taken themselves off to the beach !!  Murphy - our neighbour's dog has gone along for the ride...... he will enjoy
that !!

As mentioned before... P (our neighbour) and his wife have split up...... that is to say, she has left him !!  Apart from feeling pretty upset about all of that, it has also meant that Murphy hasn't been able to have his daily walks - as P has to work all day.  So, between them, B, J & ME have taken to walking him, at least once a day..... until P can, at least, sort himself out !!

Poor mutt... he's probably more confused about it, than anybody.... oh well !!

As for me - well, I'm feeling a little better today.  I had been feeling pretty low over the last week - but, my mood seems to be getting better - maybe it's the pills or even the better weather, I don't really know.. but, things seems to be on the up !!

The music has now changed to U2..... I'm playing some old tapes, things I had put together (many moons ago) for the car.... but, I've dug them out again & I'm giving them a good play thru'.

One good thing has come out of it - B has let me order a cheap Michael Schenker  live set.  I had it on Lp and - to be honest - had forgotten all about it, until I played a couple of the tracks on the
 tape !!  So - as I've been a good boy, B let me order it up !!

Hopefully it will be here in a week or so.......

... just took a break !!

A package has just reached me - in the post - from a friend in Bristol - with a bunch of DVD's in it !!  What they are, I have no idea... but, I'll play them later & see what goodies they contain !!   My friends really treat me well !!

Just while I'm on music & everything - I have a Zeppelin concert, from July 24th.  well, actually - I have 2 separate concerts, one from 1979 & the one I've picked today, from 1977.  The tracks are:

CD 1

  1) The Song remains The Same
  2) Sick Again
  3) Nobody's Fault But Mine
  4) Over The Hills & Far Away
  5) Since I've Been Loving You
  6) No Quarter
  7) Ten Years Gone
  8) Battle Of Evermore
  9) Going To California

CD 2

  1) Mystery Train
  2) Black Country Woman
  3) Bron-Y-Aur Stomp
  4) Trampled Underfoot
  5) White Summer/Black Mountain Side
  6) Kashmir
  7) Guitar Solo
  8) Achilles Last Stand
  9) Stairway To Heaven
10) Whole Lotta Love
11) Rock & Roll

I'm not going to rave on & on about this concert.... but, it was the last concert the band ever played in the USA.  Just a couple of days later, after this show... Robert Plant got the news from England, that his 5 year old Son had died.  The tour was immediately cancelled & as it turned out, the band never went back again.

As always - don't buy bootlegs !!  Buy the official stuff.......

Yesterday, we had a bit of fun !!  ME had bought me 4 balloons, for Father's Day & my birthday.  Anyhoo - as they were starting to deflate, I took them out side & cut the strings....  As they flew off, gaining height really quickly, 2 little girls, who live in the close.... well, you now what little ones are like, when they see something !!  "Loooooookkkkkkkk !!!!!!"  It was so nice to hear them shouting to their folks, that they could see balloons & how much happiness, seeing them climb into the sky, it brought them !!  It was brilliant !!

We watched them get higher & higher - it looked like 4 bright mirrors floating away - glinting as they went.  We lost track of them as they went into some patches of low cloud... but, it was fun !!  Before you ask - they were bio-degradable, so where ever they land, they will decay quite quickly !!

Ok - about today.... I have no big plans really.  I've not to go anywhere until Thursday - when I, unfortunately, have to go back into hospital, to see another of my Consultants.  I'm not looking forward to that - as it's to do with the implant & everything that goes with it. He might sign off on me, but as it's still not 100% - well, we will have to wait & see !!

But, as it is - I can kick back & chill out this afternoon..... maybe have a sleep or watch a bit of TV.  The Olympics start this weekend - so, I suspect the TV might not get too much air time over the coming weeks !! I'll probably watch some of the bike events - but, not much else.....

Anyways... until next time..

Bye Bye

Monday 23 July 2012

Greetings.... & not feeling the love.

Greetings Worlds !!

It's a bright, warm day here in England.... there is a low mist over towards the beach, but I can just make out the sea, off in the far distance.

Yesterday..... ah, yesterday.....

I was very down in the dumps, as you might have guessed from my post !!  But - it does bother me, when we go to Church & seem to get criticised for missing a few weeks.  I don't know what else we can do - but we're certainly not "feeling the love" and that's for
sure !!

It just seems that certain members of the Congregation see it as their life's goal to find fault with those of us - well, those of us who can not make it, for whatever reason, to Church every Sunday !!  They seem to have nothing better to do with their lives, than (as I just wrote) to find fault !!

I'm not a fanatic, but I do have the Lord in my heart & he is with me, every day of my life - just because I'm not well enough to attend services every week.... well, it's not my fault, or B's !!  We go, when we can & take part when we can..... if that's not good enough for others, well...... too bad !!

I have to think about 4 people in my life.  My Wife & Dearest Friend B & our 2 children, J & ME.  Number 4 in that list is me !!  I have to care about myself, or I would of given up many years ago - I'm still here flapping my arms, so.......

B & I have made comment before..... maybe not here...  that over the last 5 years, so many people have joined The Church - yet, we're probably the only ones who still attend !!  Becoming a member of The Church - well... it's not something we did lightly !!  In my case, it probably took over 20 years - from that first visit, by the Missionaries, in 1986.......  Oh well - enough of my moaning !!

As for B - she has gone into town, to pay some bills & go to the gym  She will be home in a couple of hours. J is outside, still attacking the garden - they took down a tree, yesterday, and now J is trying to tidy it up a bit.  He has actually just come back in - having cut thru' an electric cable with one of the tools !!  Oh well - luckily, he didn't get a shock out of it !!

So - anyways - that just leaves ME - who has gone out to meet with some friends.  The thought being, when she starts work, next Monday, she might struggle to keep up with people, especially as they do not live locally !!

Leaving me here, typing these words & listening to a Led Zeppelin concert from July 23rd 1979.  It's a 2 Cd set, recorded in Copenhagen, Denmark, as one of the warm up concerts for Knebworth.  They only did 4 concerts in 1979 - and this is the first of them.... the tracks are:

CD 1

1) The Song Remains The Same
2) Celebration Day
3) Black Dog
4) Nobody's Fault But Mine
5) Over The Hills & Far Away
6) Misty Mountain Hop
7) Since I've Been Loving You
8) No Quarter
9) Hot Dog

CD 2

1) The Rain Song
2) White Summer
3) Kashmir
4) Trampled Underfoot
5) Achilles Last Stand
6) Guitar Solo
7) In The Evening
8) Stairway To Heaven
9) Rock & Roll

As well as this 2 Cd set - there is also a 3 Lp version of the show..... it's quite well recorded, but..... the concert itself wasn't so hot !!  Oh well.... it's in the collection & that's good enough for me !!  As always, don't buy bootlegs - buy all the official stuff instead !!  More another time....

I've had a hectic morning, so far at least !!  I had to go down to my Dr's this morning, at 8.50am..... I was meant to have a check up.  Unfortunately, my regular Dr has fallen off of a tractor & broken some ribs !!  So - I had to see one of the others.

I'm glad I did tho' - as (once again) I have some kind of infection & need to go back onto some more pills !! It could explain why I've been feeling so low of late - my body is struggling to cope & that's bringing me down 'health wise'...... I also have to have another set of blood work done.... the last lot thru' up a couple of nasties & they have to be re-checked !!

He showed me this chart thing & over the last few years, it has steadily been getting worse... so, that have to check it over
again !!  Bummer !!

Never mind..... I was also meant to have a hair cut - but, as I was feeling like c**p, B decided I should skip it today.... so, I'm now booked in for Saturday (I think).... B will have to remind me, but.... I just didn't feel well enough today !!

As for my plans - well.... now that the Tour of France has finished, my afternoons are a little bit empty !!  I will probably go back to bed in a little while & try & get my body to work !!  I have to watch yesterdays F1 Grand Prix..... Mr Button landed up in 2nd place - after the stewards decided there was an illegal overtake - oh well, more points in the bag !!

So - anyways.... I must be on my way.... until next time...

Bye Bye

Sunday 22 July 2012

It's very crazy.......

Greetings Worlds.

It a Sunday - I try not to post on the "Lord's Day" - but......

We went over to Church today & once again, only a very few people spoke to us - it really is getting to the point where I'm wondering why we bother ?!  We have the Lord in our hearts, but... !!   Even those who spoke to us, really only had negative things to say... as in "Where have you been ?" & "Why haven't you been ?" !!  It's very crazy !!

Oh well.....

The family are here - well, J & B are... they're outside, working in the garden.  ME will be home later, after she finishes work.

So - that just leaves me here... typing these words & listening to Beethoven's 9th Symphony - one of my all time favourite pieces of classical music.  There is a live broadcast of it next weekend (I think) - so, that will be worth listening too.... especially if it has the full choral part !!

I must away for now..... until next time...

Bye Bye

Saturday 21 July 2012

'Renaissance Man & A Friends Nerve !!

Well "Hello" To All Of You !!

It's a Saturday, here in England.... the Sun is out, the sky is blue - with just the odd cloud - and all is well !!

As I type - B is out in the back garden, attacking a tree.... it seems it has got in the way & is now paying the price !!  No really - we have a path, that goes up over to the right of the garden & the tree has grown across it - so, B is trying to lop off some of the lower
branches !!  She has been putting off doing it for months - which means it has grown even worse this year !!  Never mind....

I have the music on low, so she can shout if she needs anything - I should be able to hear her, as the windows are open.....

As for the rest of the family.... J is upstairs, on his computer - having cut the lawns this morning - and ME is out at work. I think she will be home by the middle of the afternoon.... tho' I think she might be staying the night at her boyfriends.... I'm not really sure about that !!

So - that just leaves me here, typing these words to you..... My thanks again, to all of you who have logged in over the last few days.  Especially a big "Hello" to my reader in China !!  It's good to know you're out there in "internet land" !!

It's been a busy sort of day.  We went into town this morning for a quick shopping trip.... the food was running low, so we headed to ASDA.  Thankfully, it was very quiet - tho' it was early.... so, maybe we beat the rush !!  Anyhoo - after that, we came home & started doing all of our various little things we had to do !!

I had nothing in the pipeline - so, I'm just lending support as & when it's needed !!

I made a complete idiot of myself, out side of ASDA, in the car park !!  As I got out, my left knee (the black one - read earlier posts about that) gave out & I hit the floor like a ton of c**p !!  It didn't hurt, as such, but - now, my knee is starting to swell again........ and I guess, it will go black again over the next couple of days - so, "The Saga Of The Black Knee" continues !!  Bummer !!

Yesterday afternoon - the doctor 'phoned up.... the blood tests I had done, about 10 days or so ago, have thrown something up & I have to go back for more.... in a week or 2 !!  That should be fun - anyhow, I have to see the Dr on Monday morning, so - maybe - I'll find out more then !!

The music of the moment is 'Renaissance Man' by Jaimoe's Jasssz Band..... it's on track 3 at the moment & is really growing on me, more each time I play it !!

Just on this album - I've got to admire my friends nerve !!  I mentioned I had it... and he was interested in buying it.... mainly as it's signed by the band.  I basically said he could go & get stuffed !!  Now he has asked, if I don't play it (which I do) if could loan it for a few months.... just to check it out !!

That might sound quite innocent - but, I wouldn't trust him with a Cd I don't want... I'm pretty certain, in that few months, while he is checking it out, the thing will go missing & replaced by another - unsigned - copy !! I know my friend far too well, to fall for a trap like that !!  Oh well....

I have a Zeppelin concert from July 21st... this time from New York, in 1969.  The tracks are:

1) The Train kept a Rollin'
2) I Can't Quit You
3) Dazed & Confused
4) You Shook Me
5) White Summer - Black Mountain Side
6) How Many More Times
7) Communication Breakdown

It a good recording & is a nice change from the later years recordings I've been writing about lately !!  As always, don't buy bootlegs !!

Right - for now, I will be on my ways..... the days broadcast, from the Tour of France, is just starting & I want to catch up on that !!  So - until next time...

Bye Bye

Friday 20 July 2012

Canned Heat & John Lee Hooker

Greetings Worlds,

I hope all is well with you ?  Our hearts & prayers go out to those involved in the shootings this morning in Colorado.  We hope the Lord is with you.......

It's another Friday here in England - the Sun is out & the sky is blue..... hopefully, if it stays dry for another day, we will be able to cut the grass - it's far too wet at the moment, but it sure is getting long !!

I'm in a sombre mood this fine day.... I will try & explain !!

Being a writer of a blog, I also enjoy reading a couple as well.  However, I think I made a mistake in reading one in particular.  The lady who wrote it, mentioned 2 people, who I had never heard of..... so, I asked who they were, which seemed like a fair question.  Anyhoo - today, the lady has posted - mentioning how her "hits" go up, when ever she uses trigger words - including the 2 people I asked about !!

So - have I been sucked into some kind of trap ?  Did the lady use the 2 people, to up her page reads ?!  I don't know - but, it's kind of upset my day a bit - I feel as if my simple question.... well like I walked straight into her game plan, if she has one that is !!

Luckily - it won't spoil my entire day... but, it has been a bit of a bummer !!  Onwards, ever onwards....

The ladies of the house have gone out for a drive.  ME wanted B to know where she is going to work, so they have driven over to the other side of the county, to have a look & maybe show B around - I'm not too sure about the latter bit !!  Anyways - that's the ladies of the house... leaving J here again, to look out for me - incase I need any help at all.

I'll be fine - tho' I have had a few bad nights now..... so, I might have a little beauty sleep in an hour or so !!  The trouble is, if I sleep too long this afternoon - I won't sleep too well tonight !!  I'll have to see how things go I guess !!

The music of the moment is a 2 LP set by Canned Heat & featuring John Lee Hooker.  The album  'Hooker & Heat' has been one of my all time favourite Canned Heat albums since I first heard it, in 1971 !!  B bought me a copy of the album, on a 2 Cd set.... which came in a replica sleeve & everything.... but, I prefer the sound of the original Lp !!

It would be a lot easier, to play the Cd's.... I wouldn't have to stand up every 20 minutes or so, to change the side of the album.... but, there is something about this album that sort of plays better, on the Lp.  Side 1 starts with Mr Hooker on his own, just playing guitar & singing..... As side 2 & 3 come along - the various members of Canned Heat join in and the sound get better, fuller and incredibly brilliant !!  By the end of side 4, which is 'Boogie Chillen No 2' - well.... it just boogies along !!  Hard to explain - but, it's really good.... and throw's up a memory from 1975.

I wanted a Canned tape, to play on my car cassette player.  So - one night, I started a tape..... and just kept recording it, until the whole 2 hours were full !!  By the time I had finished, it was the wee hours of the morning and, altho' I didn't realise it at the time..... I was as hot as hell !!  Playing the music thru' my old headphones.... well, I had been so wrapped up in it, I had just forgotten about time or anything else for that matter !!

When the tape was finished - well, the room was deathly quiet.... pitch black outside & not a noise to be heard anywhere !!  Kind of spooky really..... !!

For the record - I still have that tape - it not only (still) contains the music I recorded that night... but, it is the oldest tape in my collection.  I bought the blank in 1971, when I bought my first cassette tape deck, and it still plays fine to this day !!

So - for all of you, who say tapes don't last - they do, if you look after them !!

Talking about being quiet outside..... We have lived in several homes over the years, at least 3 of which were right out in the country.  Now, this might sound completely stupid - but, if you take into account how I am some mornings - well, I wake up here & it's like I have to think hard about where exactly I am !!

I'll wake up - it will be perfectly calm & quiet out side - and depending how "stoned" I am, it takes me a few minutes to come around & work out where I am !!  By "stoned" - I'm talking about the pills & potions I have to take, just to keep myself going from day to day...... but, if I've had a bad night - well - it sounds weird, waking up to nothing...... just the odd bird song.  Oh well..... onwards !!

I can't believe it's the end of another week !!  It's been a good one tho'..... with Dr L taking me off of her books !!  That's something I can work at putting behind me - unless my body gives up again & I get referred back to her !!  That is one thing, about all my Dr's...... they are always there if I need them !!

People always complain about our health service.... but, as I've no doubt said before, if a person is that sick, you are treated as quickly as your health needs !!  If you're sick - you get seen... it's as simple as that really !!

As for the weekend..... well, if I'm able, I will go to Church on Sunday.  I haven't been for 2 weeks now, so I would like to go back soon - it depends how I am on the day !!

I hope, if I can, to go with B shopping, either tonight or tomorrow morning.  I've not been out hardly at all this past few weeks - which suits me fine - but, it is time I tried to get out into the World again !!  I need to get some Cd labels, so I'll use that as an excuse to go
out !!  I really do need a kick in the butt sometimes !!

Oh - I have a Zeppelin concert from today, in 1973..... the tracks are:

CD 1

1) Rock & Roll
2) Celebration Day
3) Black Dog
4) Over The Hills & Far Away
5) No Quarter
6) The Song Remains The Same
7) The Rain Song
8) Dazed & Confused

CD 2

1) Stairway To Heaven
2) Heartbreaker
3) Whole Lotta Love

It was recorded in Boston & I think (tho' I've never timed it) it's probably one of the shortest sets played during the 1973 American tour !!  The main reason seems to be the audience - who all seem to have taken too many "lets cause a riot" pills !!  They are completely off their heads, thru' out the whole show.

So much so, that the band cut 'Since I've Been Loving You' & 'Misty Mountain Hop' possibly 'Moby Dick' and any kind of encore !!  It really is a short set !!  Oh well - it's worth having in my collection - but, as always, don't buy bootlegs - buy the official stuff !!

The following night, Zeppelin played in Providence, Rhode Island and played the standard 1973 set list.... I've been to both cities over the years, they are kind of beautiful in their own ways...... even the bus station, where I got dumped in 1986, trying to make my way back to Boston & then home !!

You see - if we invite people to stay with us - we try & make sure they get back to the airport, even going a so far as hiring a car, to make the trip - mainly as ours was clapped out at the time. But, no.... when I was invited to a wedding in 1986, I was dumped at the bus station & had to figure my own ways home from there !!  Bummer !!

The music has just been changed to Jaimoe's Jasssz Band & their 'Renaissance Man' Cd - which Lady & Sir J sent me recently !!  My thanks to both of you.....

Ok - I better be on my way !!  The Tour of France has just started on TV & I want to watch this stage.  i really like watching these guys race.... so, until next...

Bye Bye

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Bye Bye Dr L !!

Well "Hello" again Worlds !!

How has your morning been ?  It's another Wednesday, here in old England - it has just started to rain heavy & the clouds are white & low !!  So - that's the weather - I wonder what it is like with you, my dear readers ?!  You can always leave a message in my comments box - or e-mail me if you feel so inclined !!  The details are in my contact section - I'm always glad to hear from you !!

Ok - as I write, B is across the close, helping one of our neighbours out..... B goes over once in a while, as the neighbour hasn't been too well of late & B helps her, by cleaning the house & stuff. It's no big deal & B likes to help out.......

J is here looking after me, not that I'm going to need much today.... I'm being good !!  So that leaves ME - and I think she is spending the day with her boyfriend.  Tonight, she is meeting up with B at the gym & they will come home together.

I've mentioned ME's little flap, over which job to take.... well, that has all been sorted now !!  She is going to work, here in the county, with the people she wanted to work with - starting on June 30th !!  So that's her sorted out...  I'm glad to say... she was getting a little worried about it all - but, it's done now !!

Anyhoo - that leaves me - and I'm having a great day !!

I had to see one of my Consultants this morning & I'm pleased to report that she has signed off on me & I'm now - as far as that side of my health is concern - I'm back under my local doctor !!

It feels great - to get away from her.... not that she hasn't helped me a lot over the last few years... but, to tick all the boxes, to be "let go" from her care, well - it feels really good !!  I still have the chance to see her, if my health goes down hill again, but - now I'm off of her care, I would like to stay that way.... for a good while, at least !!

I had hoped to get off of some of my pills & potions, but - for now - I have to stay with what I'm taking... my local Dr can reduce them, if he feels the time is right.... we will have to wait & see how I can get on first !!

So - I'm having a really good day !!  B even managed to go thru' the form (the medical c**p that came yesterday) with me & I can now put all of that behind me - well, unless they want to question any of
it !! I wouldn't put that out of the question !!  Like I said yesterday - they have to go thru' the "numbers" & they pick off the easy people first !!  That is to say, the ones who have nothing to hide & aren't cheating the system !!

The music of the moment is the first Allman Brother's album.... I decided to give the Cd a play thru'.  I don't play the albums too often - mainly playing the live stuff - but, just for a change - I decided to give this one a play !!

I have one Led Zeppelin concert, from July 18th... well, part of a concert !!  It's from 1973 & was recorded in Vancouver.. the tracks are:

1) Rock & Roll
2) Celebration Day
3) Black Dog
4) Over The Hills & Far Away
5) Misty Mountain Hop
6) Since I've Been Loving You
7) No Quarter

I've been asked why I don't do some sort of "download" site - where people can go & listen to the Cd's I write about !!  Well, 2 reasons.... (1) I don't want to & (2) I wouldn't know how to do anything like that - even if I wanted to !!  I'm a bit behind the times as far as doing any thing like that - I don't even know (or own) how to work a mobile phone !!  I think the blooming things should be banned !!  No - I'm only joking - but, to me, people seem to worry too much about staying in contact & thru' a panic if their phone is missing - even for a couple of minutes !!

Oh well - more another time...... as always, don't buy bootlegs !!

I just had to take a break - the "Black left Leg" is getting better (by the day) - but, it still seems to have a will of it's own, when it comes to pain !!  One minute it's fine - then, with-out warning, it feels like someone has kicked me in the knee !!  Bummer !!  Never mind - there is sooooo much pain medication in the house, I could start my own pharmacy - but, it does mean, there is always something on hand, for emergencies & what have you !!

Ok - my plans for the rest of the day.... I've been trying to sort out some Cd's that are here on the table, putting them out of their paper sleeves, into cases... so, that will keep me going for the rest of the afternoon - well, until B gets back, at least !!  If nothing else, I still have a shed load of Star Trek's to watch..... I can only watch a couple at a time, but it has been fun !!

So - for now - I will away... I thank you for reading... until next time....

Bye Bye

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Jon Lord RIP

Greetings Worlds !!

A special "Hello" to my reader in China !!  It's great to know you have logged in & I hope you will keep coming back for more.  Of course, a "Hello" to my regular readers around the World... I thank you for your time !!

Ok - it's a bright & sunny Tuesday here in England..... there are some big white clouds out there, but - compared to yesterday - it's almost 'tropical' out side !!  I'm here with J at the moment, who seems to be taking our kitchen apart, looking for food !!  B has gone out to the lunchtime gym class & ME is.... well, I don't know for sure !!

She was here last night - but then went out with her boyfriend M & I've not seen her since.  No big deal - at 21, she is old enough to look out for herself !!

She did text B earlier..... I mentioned yesterday, about her job opportunities & not knowing quite what to do, as their were 2 places after her.  Well, according to the text, this morning, she is having a meeting this afternoon with one of the places & hopefully, from that meeting, she will know what to do !!

The meeting is at the place, here in our county, where she would like to work - but, until she gets an 'official' kind of "yes" from them.... well, she will, more or less, have no choice but to take the offer from Devon !!  I hope - later today - she will be able to let us know how things have gone..... here's hoping for the best !!

There was nothing in the post for her today - which doesn't bold
well !!  The place in Devon was meant to be sending a contract.... but, as yet nothing has come thru' for her !!  As it is - if she is going to work in Devon, she is meant to start on Monday of next week - but, with only 6 days to go.... well.... time will tell !!

I did have a bit of post..... which has rattled me a bit !!  Over the last 10 years my health has been in a steady decline.  From working 7 days a week in the late 1990's, I first had to get used to giving that up - then accepting I needed a stick to help me walk - and in the last 4 years or so, having to accept I need a wheelchair to get around !!

Over the last 5 years in particular, I've gone downhill a lot faster than I would of liked & each day seems to throw up a few new surprises.......  Well, today, our lovely government has sent me a form to complete - to more or less prove I'm sick !!  They don't need to read about it in a form - come over & visit with me, thru' any day - or night - of the week..... then you will see how things are for themselves !!

It's no big deal - but, it does p**s me off to get things like this in the post !!  Oh well - we will fill it out & take things as they happen........ Tomorrow I have to see one of my Consultants & again next week, I have to see another one - so, maybe the form pushers should come along with me & see for themselves what my life is like !!

I know the government have to check things out - but, they should track down all the benefit cheats instead of going for people like us, who - lets face it - are easy targets !!

We had one of these forms before & I had to go into town to see a lady.  We went in, she looked at my form, then looked at me - then said "Ok" and we were on our ways home inside 15 minutes !!  It's crazy - they have to fill their targets & they get the easy meat first, just to make up the numbers !!  Oh well - I will no doubt let you know how things go, as & when I hear anything !!

Enough of my moaning !!

The music of the moment is a Cd, which came in the post yesterday, featuring 2 albums by the Allman Brothers Band........ 'Reach For The Sky' & 'Brothers Of The Road'.  I wanted this Cd, mainly as it contained the last 2 Lp's by the band, that I didn't have completely on Cd !!

So, now, I have a complete collection of all of the bands studio albums - not all the compilations, but just the albums, so that's been good... to complete the set !!

The strange thing was - I was writing an e-mail to Lady V (at the Allman's site) when the postman came.... kind of freaky !!  Oh well......

In the last week or so, excluding the stuff I picked up from the last record fair, I've had another 5 Cd set by UFO, a 4 Cd set by Fleetwood Mac and the soundtrack to 'Iron Sky' which J gave me, along with the DVD - so, all is good in my little World of music &
fun !! Especially with these last Allman Brothers albums....
life is good !!

Having said all that, about the Allman's Cd - the music has just changed to Patti Smith & her 'Twelve' album, from a year or 2 back.  It's a collection of cover versions & it's pretty good - so, if you can, give it a listen !!

I had great plans - this morning - to play a 3 Cd set of a concert, by Led Zeppelin, recorded on this day, in 1977, at the Kingdome in Seattle.  I've mentioned the show before, but - as it's from today - it won't hurt to run thru' the tracks again.... so, here goes:

CD 1

1) Opening
2) The Song Remains The Same
3) Sick Again
4) Nobody's Fault But Mine
5) Over The Hills & Far Away
6) Since I've Been Loving You
7) No Quarter

CD 2

1) Ten Years Gone
2) The Battle Of Evermore
3) Going To California
4) Black Country Woman
5) Bron-Y-Aur Stomp
6) White Summer/Black Mountain Side
7) Kashmir

CD 3

1) Moby Dick
2) Guitar Solo
3) Achilles Last Stand
4) Stairway To Heaven
5) Whole Lotta Love
6) Rock & Roll

When I first heard tapes of the 1977 tour, they usually sounded really bad !!  Recorded on cassette decks, if you were lucky, they might be in stereo.... but, never really sounding that good.  I had one from New York and - to be honest - it was distorted, overly loud & really not worth the tape they were recorded on !!

So - why did I bother with them..... well, it was the only way I was going to hear the band on stage, in 1977 & I wanted everything I could get my hands on !!

So - move forward 35 years.... now, there are tapes like this about !!  Recorded from the band's soundboard & (I guess) put out by someone who was/is close to the members of the band !!  It might not have the quality of an officially released 'live' album - but, I'll settle for this any day of the week !!  It's brilliant & if you can get to hear it - go for it !!

But, don't buy bootlegs !!  Buy all the official live albums you can - some are bad, some are downright awful - but, most of them are well worth having !!  More another time....... but, first, a bit of sad news.

Jon Lord of Deep Purple/Whitesnake fame has died at the age of 71..... from cancer I believe.  He was a great keyboard player & composer...... he will be missed !!  RIP Jon !!

Right - it's coming up to 1pm & I need to get my beauty sleep.... I was up & down for most of last night & I really need to do a bit of catching up !!  So - I will away, for now at least.... thanks for reading... until next time...

Bye Bye

Monday 16 July 2012

The Saga Of The Black Leg Part 1

Well Greetings Worlds !!

How is your bit of Internet Space been treating you this past week ?!

I know - it's been as little while since I was last here - but, things have conspired to put me down this past few days & life has had to go on with-out me !!

I suppose you could call it the "Ongoing Saga Of The Black Knee"......... but, that's not exactly true.  It's become the "Saga Of The Black Leg" !!

For whatever reason - the bruising around my knee went North & South - leaving me in a bit of a pickle &, with-out much of any kind of immune system to fight it off, my body just went into... well, I went into shut down mode !!

As B said.... the pills the Dr's gave me would help, given enough time & sure enough, a week later, I'm on the mend - so much so, that I don't actually feel too bad this morning........ My life is back on track & it feels pretty good at the moment !!

Ok - enough of all of that.... I'm sorry I haven't written anything since... I don't know exactly when.... but, I thank you all for reading, even tho' there was nothing new to look at !!

It's been a quiet few days really.......  I didn't go out for much really, tho' B did take me shopping in ASDA to get a bit of air in my lungs !!  It wasn't too bad - it was nice & quiet, so that was Ok by me !!  Plus - I picked up another Cd for the collection..... always a bonus reason, for putting up with the crowds in ASDA !!

They had a 4 Cd 'Best Of' set by Fleetwood Mac.... but, it was too expensive. For some reason the price went down by about 50%, so..... I went for it.  I know - I have quite a bit of Fleetwood Mac stuff - but, this collection looked pretty good !!  I say looked - as I've not played it yet & M has taken it back to his place on loan for a few days.... I will get it back, but not for a little while !!

M (ME's boyfriend) is pretty good really.... I wouldn't loan stuff to him otherwise !!

Talking of our Daughter.... she & B have gone down to Devon today, to have a trial run on how far it is, to the job she has been offered.  They left a short while ago, so won't be home for several hours yet.

It's put ME in a bit of a flap really.....She can't say "no" to the job - but, there is another place that wants her - but, as yet, they have yet to confirm it all in writing !!

The problem is - ME would rather work for the 2nd place - but, until she has it writing, she has to go with the first offer.... hence the bit of a flap !!  Oh well - it will all sort itself out.... some how or another !!

So - that's the ladies of the house - J, our Son, is behind me.... either getting his lunch, or second breakfast - I'm not sure which really !!  He is here to look after me today - I will not give him too much trouble !!

That just leaves me here, typing these words to you.  The music of the moment is Pink Floyd's Knebworth concert, from July 1975.  I was at this concert, so it's good to give the bootleg a play, now & again.  As I don't have a Zeppelin show, for today - I'll give you the tracks for this Floyd concert instead:

CD 1

1) Intro
2) Raving & Drooling
3) You Got To Be Crazy
4) Shine On You Crazy Diamond
5) Have A Cigar
6) Shine On You Crazy Diamond

CD 2

1) The Dark Side Of The Moon

CD 3

1) Echoes

This was the only time, I think, I saw the Floyd.... it wasn't the best concert I had ever been to & that's for sure !!  It was cold, there was no on stage atmosphere - just 4 guys going thru' the motions, as it were.... all pretty c**p really !!  I've read, since then, that there were problems with the PA system & instrument malfunctions - but, that should of been sorted, long before they had come on stage !!  Oh well - I read, in a Pink Floyd 'official' book thingy, that this was one of the worst concerts of the 1975 tour - you'll get no argument from me on that one !!

As always - please don't buy bootlegs...... or ask me for copies of bootlegs, it ain't going to happen folks !!

Ok - that's about it for now....... I have no great plans for today.  I'm just going to sit back, watch a bit of TV, play some more music & maybe watch a DVD or two.  It's such a hard life - but, it's all I've got at the moment - so, onwards we go... until next time...

Bye Bye

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Star Trek Enterprise...... Ho-hum !!

Greetings Worlds.

A few minutes ago - it was pouring down with rain.... now, it's bright & sunny - so much so, that I can see right over to the beach & the sea is really blue tonight !!

Oh well - it's another Wednesday here in England..... J has just gone upstairs to his room, B has gone to the gym, for some kind of class & ME is meeting up with her there.  She is spending the nights over at her boyfriends house, for most this week..... so, I'll see her later on.

As mentioned yesterday (I think)... ME's birthday pressy, to me arrived & I wasn't allowed to open it until she got home.  Well, they (ME & M) came back last night & I was given the honour of opening the box.... it was a big "Wow" moment !!

The pair of them had put they cash together & bought me the complete "Star Trek Enterprise" box set !!  It's brilliant & I'm well happy with it !!  There are 23 DVD's in total & I've watched the first 2, so far.... honestly, it will take me weeks to watch it all the ways
thru' !!

So - why "Star Trek Enterprise".... well, as a small fan of the whole Star Trek thingy.... not so much that I consider myself an expert on the shows, but.... Anyhoo - "Enterprise" has only been on TV here once (I think) and that was on a "small" channel, on Sunday afternoon's & I only ever saw a few of them.  So - knowing this, ME - & boyfriend M - decided to buy the box set for me.

So - with every thing else that's going on, it's been a big surprise... !!

The other big news, concerning ME.... she was offered a job yesterday !!  She had to go down to Devon, for an interview, but - while she was there, having a look around - they came straight out & offered her the job, on the spot !!  How cool is that ?! About a week after leaving Uni, she gets a job offer.... brilliant !!

She will get the written confirmation, in the post & then it's up to her......it's one decision she will have to make on her own !!  But - good on her I say !!

So - all of that happened yesterday.... today has been a bit of a "let down"... well, compared to that at least !!

I didn't have the best of nights..... not sleeping too well - so, in the end, I didn't wake up until about 10.30am !!  B had left me to catch up a bit, but - even after all that extra sleep - I still felt bushed this morning !!  Never mind - B had to take J into town for a meeting, so I went along for the ride.  If nothing else, to blow the cobwebs out of my system !!

It was a nice ride tho' & we took in the chance to pop into ASDA to pick up a few things..... for once it was really quiet !!  Mind you, it was just after lunch & before the schools kicked out - so, we beat that rush !!  We have to go back in again, tomorrow - but... it was just good to get out & about a bit !!

So - that's been my day.... nothing too exciting !!

The music of the moment is a 2 Cd set of old singles...... 45's, call them what you want.  They all come from before 1986 & were on 2 cassette tapes.  as I used to play the tapes so much - I decided to transfer them over to Cd.  That was some time ago - probably some of the first Cd transfers I ever made !!  Oh well - they do sound good - if a little strange, as far as a collection goes !!

I was looking for a Zeppelin concert, for today.... but I haven't found one.  So - I will skip that for tonight.  I have some for tomorrow... but, I'll leave that for now, at least !!

There is a bit on the TV (as always, playing quietly to it's self in the corner) about the milk processing companies & how they are going to cut the amount they give the farmers.  It seems like they want to cut the price by 2p a pint !!  That will mean farmers will go out of the milk trade !!  How can a person be expected to produce a product at a loss & keep going !!  Crazy !!

Oh well.... my plans for tonight ?  Well, I will need to get off to bed soon - I'm falling asleep as I type... so, I will not be staying up too late tonight.  I'll wait until B gets home - but.... not much longer !!

So - for now I will be away... until next time..

Bye Bye

Tuesday 10 July 2012

The Saga Of The Black Knee Pt 3

Well Hello Worlds !!

How has your weekend been ?  Mine has been brilliant, with just a shade of painful mixed in !!

To explain !!

Saturday was my birthday.... happy birthday to me & all that.... it was a brilliant day, one I won't forget in a hurry !!  I even had a "Happy Birthday" from America.... which was left on my our answer phone thingy !!  My thank's to T & R for their beautiful singing - I just wished I had been in the room to pick up the phone !! Oh well - it was a wonderful thought guys !!

The "painful" part of the weekend... well, that's the ongoing "Saga Of The Black Knee" !!

B had taken me to the Dr's Friday evening... & I had to go back yesterday.... but, in the meantime, the bruising had really spread & swollen beyond belief !!  So much so - that B & ME wanted me to go to the hospital on Sunday.  The pain was really 'bad' - but, thankfully, I have a shed load of medication here & that helped no end !! Anyhoo - yesterday, I had to go back to see my Dr about it & his first words were "How did you do that ?" Believe me - if I knew how I did it - I would of make sure he had not happened in the first place !!

He has given me some more pills to take - which I hope will help - & as he's on holiday now, I've to go back & have it checked out, if it doesn't clear up in the coming week !!  Time will tell, I guess.... but, that's the "Saga Of The Black Knee".... part 3 ... I think !!

Enough of all of that..... The family !!

J is upstairs, looking after me, B has gone to the gym..... she will be home in a shortish while.... and ME is heading down to Devon, with her boyfriend M, as she has a job interview to attend.  Hopefully she will enjoy it & they will hire her.... but, we will have to wait & see on that one.

As it is - she is coming back here... as her birthday pressy, to me, has reached me & I'm not allowed to open it until they get back.... or at least, until she is here to see my face, when I undo the box !!  So - even tho' it's my birthday - ME wants to be here to open the gift !!  No, not really - it looks interesting tho'.....

I will let you know what it is...... maybe, if I'm allowed to open it, next time I post !!

The music of the moment is another Allman Brothers concert from 2003.... one of the 'Instant Live' sets they have released.  I really do recommend them, if you like the Allmans in any shape or form... they are really worth the money !!

I have one Zeppelin concert from July 10th... that's from Milwaukee, in 1973.  It's not a complete show, but it makes up for that, by being a really good recording !!  The tracks are:

CD 1

1) Rock & Roll
2) Celebration Day
3) Black Dog
4) Over The Hills & Far Away
5) Misty Mountain Hop
6) Since I've Been Loving You
7) No Quarter
8) The Song Remains The Same
9) The Rain Song

CD 2

1) Dazed & Confused
2) Stairway To Heaven
3) Moby Dick

It's a shame that rest of the concert is missing - but, one day it will show up.  As always, don't buy bootlegs... buy the official stuff instead !!

I was trying to remember what we did yesterday..... I think we went into town, but that was about it really !! Me & my brain..... !!

Sunday we stayed at home.... really to spend time with the family & to rest the war wounds.  We couldn't make it to Church, which was a shame, but sometimes we can't make the trip & Sunday was one of those times !!  We had a good day at home tho' & just enjoyed ourselves being together.....

... oh yes, ME's graduation ball !!  From the sound of it, they had a great time !!  She won a bottle of wine, for being the "most organised student" !!  What - our girl......organised !!  Never !!  They also came home with a fantastic picture of the two of them... a copy of which is here with me on the table... we will have to get a frame for it & put it up some place.  It really is a great photo !!

Oh well - what else.....?

I have to decide what to do about my Brother's birthday card !!  Do I answer his little note inside... or do I do what he told me to do a few years back ?!  I'll have to think about that one I guess..... my life goes on, no matter what others in my family say !!  By family, I mean the few surviving members of my of my relations, not the family, B & J & ME...... I will certainly have to think about it all - there are only so many times I can be told to go and ************** myself !!

As for my Father-in-Law..... once again, despite B telling exactly when my birthday was, he has completely failed to send any form of greeting !!  Oh well - it is a shame we can't pick our family, like we pick our friends !!  Never mind.... my life will go on....... !!

& so must I... it's 1pm & time for my lunchtime' meds !!  Such fun.... I will be back.. until next time...

Bye Bye

Saturday 7 July 2012

Had A Great Birthday !!

Hi again Worlds !!

I've had a great Birthday !!  ME came home from town, with 3 balloons for me - to add to the one I already had from Fathers Day + J gave me a great DVD called "Iron Sky" !!

I wouldn't even try to tell you what it's about - but, it's a lot of fun !!  He also gave me the film's soundtrack album & that's just brilliant !!

Once again, my Father In Law forgot it was my Birthday - so, that was expected !!  The fact he remembers his Daughter in Law's Birthday every year.... well, it might sound like sour grapes - but, it does p**s me off - more than a little !!

I also had a card from Brother, which was a bit of a surprise, considering all the crap he called me, the last time he contacted me !!  If I bother to reply to his "kindness" - well, I don't know...... there is only so much I'm prepared to take from people !!

B gave me a box of small things, that I'm allowed to eat.... which was/is nice & that's about it really !!  Another year & another day in the life, I guess !!  Until next time...

Bye Bye

The Saga Of The Black Knee Pt' 2

Greetings !!

It's a Saturday, here in England.... it's wet, windy..... and it's my birthday !!  So - a happy birthday to me !!

B was not too impressed, when I sang that to her at 3am this morning !!  Well, I was awake - having to put one of the cats out - so, it seemed only fair that she should join me in my happiness !!

Oh well..... the ladies of the house have gone out - into town & to drop ME's car off for a service.  M is driving them tonight, for the graduation ball, in Bristol - so, she taking the opportunity to get her car looked at.

I could of gone with them - into town - but, as it's pouring it down... I decided to stay at home.  B was going to take me into the record shop - but, I can do that another day..... when the Sun is out !!

Anyhoo - with the ladies out, J is here to keep an eye on me.  I won't cause him any trouble today..... unless my 'Black Knee' goes bang !!

Oh yes - the saga of 'The Black Knee' !!

It got too painful yesterday afternoon & B took me down to the Dr's to get it checked out.  The Dr - a different one, to who I usually see - gave me some more pills to take & I have to go back just after 8am on Monday - to get it fully looked at !!

Today - well, it's black & bigger..... so, we will have to wait & see how things go over the next couple of days !!  It blooming hurts - which is annoying.... but, never mind - I have plenty of pain meds here if things get too bad !!

So - that's the knee & the family...... the music of the moment is a complete Allman Brothers concert, from one of their Beacon shows.  I can't think of a more fitting bit of music, to celebrate the day !!

However - there is a Zeppelin concert, from July 7th.  I'm not a great lover of the 1980 tour, but this concert is special - not because it happened to be played on my birthday - but because it was the last one they ever played !!

It was recorded in Berlin & the tracks are:

CD 1

1) The Train kept A Rollin'
2) Nobody's Fault But Mine
3) Black Dog
4) In The Evening
5) The Rain Song
6) Hot Dog
7) All My Love
8) Trampled Underfoot
9) Since I've Been Loving You

CD 2

1) White Summer
2) Black Mountain Side
3) Kashmir
4) Stairway To Heaven
5) Rock & Roll
6) Whole Lotta Love

Ok - it's not the best concert they ever played.... 'White Summer' just goes on & on... but, for me, it has to be the best version of 'Stairway To Heaven' I've ever heard - the "tango" section in the guitar solo is brilliant !!  If that's not enough, 'Whole Lotta Love'..... well, it's just way good !!

A few months later, Bonzo died & that was the end of the group, apart from the odd re-union concerts...... it's a fitting end to a great run of concerts over 11 years or so......

As always - don't buy bootlegs.... buy the official stuff !!  More another time...

Right - my plans for the weekend...... I'm going to watch the motor racing at 1pm today & record the race tomorrow.  If all goes well, we'll head over to Church for Sacrament, but we will have to wait & see how I am over night, I guess !!  I really want to go this weekend - being my birthday & all...... but we will have to see how things go !!

As for any other plans - well..... we'll see how things go, I guess.  Anyhoo - I will away.... I thank you all for reading my words & I hope you'll take the time to log in again at some point !!  Until next time...

Bye Bye

Friday 6 July 2012

Blooming cats & other thoughts on a rainy day !!

Hi again Worlds.......

It's a wet & - for me - sombre Friday here in old England......  my get up & go, well.... it's all gone I'm sorry to say !!

Having had a very sleepless night, then woken up by one of our cats at 4am.... well, that just about put the icing on the cake - tonight, that animal sleeps in the porch !!  I don't mind that much - but, come on puss... I need my beauty sleep !!

Oh well...... it's about 11am & I'm here alone..... ME is at Uni, J is upstairs & B has gone into town to try & sort out a few things.  I think she's going to do a bit of shopping & then go into the gym for an hour, before heading home.

So, that leaves me here.... the music of the moment is a collection of 5 studio albums by Ian Gillan.  He still sings with Deep Purple (well, the last time I heard anything of them, he was still singing with them) but, these are things he did with his 'Gillan' band over the years.

I didn't know what to play - so, I just put these in on shuffle & had done with it !!

It's not very nice outside, at the moment - so, I'm glad I'm staying in the house....... there are loads of weather warnings out & about. With all the rain we've had lately, the rivers are still likely to flood...... good luck everybody !!

I had great plans for today - I had it in mind to do loads of odd jobs... you know the stuff I keep putting off, but - feeling like c**p today.... well, I'm putting the jobs off for another day or 10 !!

I've just had a mad 5 minutes of phone calls...... !!

A lady called, to try & get hold of ME.. about a job... so, I then gave her ME's new phone number & also got J to text her to call home.  ME has now called & I've passed on the details..... so, hopefully she will get an interview out of it, if nothing else !!  One moment it's all quiet here & then.... well, things go mad !!

Oh well - it gets the blood pumping !!

Right..... what's next..... oh yes, another Zeppelin concert.  I'm amazed how many of you "enjoy" my little list of concerts.

Anyhoo - I have one, from July 6th 1973.... recorded in Chicago.  The tracks are:

CD 1

1) Rock & Roll
2) Celebration Day
3) Black Dog
4) Over The Hills & Far Away
5) Since I've Been Loving You
6) No Quarter
7) The Song Remains The Same
8) The Rain Song

CD 2

1) Dazed & Confused
2) Stairway To Heaven

CD 3

1) Moby Dick
2) Heartbreaker
3) Whole Lotta Love
4) Communication Breakdown

This is a great soundboard recording of the band in full flight !!  It's not everybody's cup of tea - but, for me it's brilliant.... one to listen to if you get the chance.  Having said that, of course - I'm going to say, as I always do - don't buy bootlegs !!  The 1973 American tour is captured on the official 'The Song Remains The Same' 2 Cd set - so, buy that instead !!

I hope the weather will get a little better, over the weekend.... it's our F1 Grand Prix on Sunday !!  I won't be going, but if it's wet & horrid.... well, I was going to say, it'll spoil the racing... but, it could make for a more interesting 2 hours !!

I hope we'll make it to Church on Sunday..... we will have to wait & see how things go I guess.

B asked what I wanted to do, tomorrow, on my Birthday.  I haven't got a clue really !!  I keep meaning to visit a 'second hand' record shop in town, but never seem to get there !! So, maybe - if it's not pouring down with rain - I might get B to drive me in to there.  If nothing else, I can have a look at what he has - there might be something that shouts "buy me" !!

Ok - for now, I must be on my ways......  I really am knackered today - blooming cats !!

Until next time...

Bye Bye

Thursday 5 July 2012

Grace Under Pressure......

Greetings Worlds !!

How has your day been..?  It's a bright & sunny Thursday here in England... it's been warm for most of the day, tho' I've not been outside at all - so, I'm guessing as the postman was wearing shorts, it must of been Ok out there !!

At the moment, I'm here on my own.  J is upstairs on his computer, but the ladies of the house have gone to the hairdressers.... they won't be back for a few hours or so, so - all in all, I'm "home
alone" !!

ME is having a hair cut, or something, to go to her graduation ball on Saturday night - B has gone along for the ride & to lend moral support !!

It's only in town - but, it seems it's going to take a couple of hours - so, in the meantime, I'll be blasting the music out of the Bose & blowing the cobwebs off the wall (so to speak) !!

Oh well - the music of the moment is Rush's 'Grace Under Pressure' Lp.... for a change, I dug the vinyl out of the box & decided to give that a go.  I don't really know why - it would be sooooo much easier to play the Cd, but.......  Since I bought the new stylus the other week - it's been fun to play the old records - well, the few I have left at least !!

The down side is, of course, I have to change the sides over every 20 minutes or so.... never mind, it's all good......

It's been a quiet day, here in the homestead..... I've done very little really.  The high point of the day was the chimney sweep coming in, to give it it's annual clear out !!  He's a nice guy - but, he could talk for England !!  I guess, by going around all the different homes, he picks up on various bits of gossip & he likes to share.... oh well - never mind.... he's done for this year !!

We did laugh tho'.... about our NFH.  The guy wants to buy a house in this area - so, we told him about our other neighbours home being on the market. He look across & said it looked interesting - well, that he was interested..... until he found out who lived next door !!  He knows her from years back & as soon as he found out she lived there - well, he said "she's crazy"..... Oh well, I guess her reputation is more widespread than we realised !!

If he will look into buying the house, I don't know - but..........

Right - if you're as long time reader - you might remember the "saga" of 'The Black Hand'.  Well, I'm starting a new "saga" - this time of 'The Black Knee' !!

A few weeks back - my knee started playing up - getting painful & what have you.  Well, this past week - it's gone black with a big bruise working it's way around my leg..... it's really weird, as I've not banged it or anything - it (just like my hand) is gradually going
black !!

As it hurts like mad today... well, I've decided to visit my Dr tomorrow, if it gets any worse over night. we will have to see what happens come the morning, I guess....... time will tell !!

I've just changed the Lp - it's now Deep Purple's 'Last Concert In Japan' playing in the background.  At the time I got this copy, it was only available on import - since then, the whole concert has come out on Cd.... which is a shame in a way, as it makes the Lp a little redundant !!  Add to that, you can now hear, on the Cd, how it was edited down to fit one Lp !!   Kind of c**p really !!

At the time tho' - I was just glad to get another 'live' album..... even if it was good or bad....

Just going back to the family.  ME had her last day at Uni placement today..... she came home with a cake & cards from the people she has been working with.  She says she wont miss them too much - but, she has been there for about 6 months (in total) and I think she might miss them, just a little bit really !!

Tomorrow is her very last day at Uni !!  It's unreal - she has got her B.Sc. with honours & I really couldn't be happier for her !! She really has done herself proud to get as far as she has.... we're all very proud of her !!

Hopefully, she will fall straight into a full time job.... but, in the meantime, she has her part time work to keep her going.  We all wish her lots of luck..... bless her !!

Just staying with today - I had my first birthday card come in the
post !!  It's not for a couple more days... so, that was a nice
surprise !!  The people who sent it, well - the lady has her birthday on the same day, so we kind of remember each others every year !!  Plus - the lady who lives in the Close, also has her birthday on the same day.... all kind of weird really !!

ME is a little "upset" as she has ordered my birthday pressy - but, it won't get here until after the weekend.... I've told her it doesn't matter, but she would of liked to have got here for my actual
birthday !!  Never mind - it's the thought that counts.....

I hope the latest Allman's order - thru' the internet, will get here tomorrow.  It's not from Lady V's site - but, it's the last 2 Allman's albums I have to get on Cd..... I've mentioned this before - but, it would be great if they came before the weekend !!  A little gift, to myself, so to speak.....

Poor B, if they get here, will have to put up with me playing them thru' over & over !!  It's 2 albums - but, I think they're on one Cd.... I'm not 100% sure about that - we will have to wait & see I guess....  I will let you know, when they get here.

I don't think we'll be doing anything special to celebrate my "day" - but, just being here with my family is all I really need......

There is a great Zeppelin concert.....on the date of my birthday - but, that's 2 days away... so, for tonight, I have to stay with July 5th 1980.  The band were in Munich & altho' I don't go a bundle on the 1980 concerts, this one is a little bit different.  The tracks are:

CD 1

1) The Train kept A Rollin'
2) Nobody's Fault But Mine
3) Black Dog
4) In The Evening
5) The Rain Song
6) Hot Dog
7) All My Love
8) Trampled Underfoot

CD 2

1) Since I've Been Loving You
2) Achilles Last Stand
3) White Summer - Black Mountain Side
4) Kashmir
5) Stairway To Heaven
6) Rock & Roll
7) Whole Lotta Love

It's the same set list as most of the 1980 concerts, but this one is recorded from the audience & that gives it a little more atmosphere....... well, the copy I have is at least !!  For some reason, Simon Kirke of Bad Co. plays on the drums, during 'Whole Lotta Love' - I'm not sure why... but, he's there anyhoo.  As always, don't buy bootlegs - buy the official stuff.... there is plenty of live albums around, with-out paying for bootlegs !!

I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before, or not... but.... CBS are repeating all of Star Trek Voyager.  Ok - I know it's all kind of lame, but Voyager is the only Star Trek show I really had any time for..... well, when it was first broadcast, at least !!

So - staring Monday evening, they started with season 1, episode 1 & at 8pm tonight, we're up to episode 3 (I think).... anyways.... it's given me something to watch, before going off to noddy nod land !!  It's amazing how easily pleased I am folks !!

Right - watching TV is my plan for tonight.... as for tomorrow - I'm not sure what we're doing.  I'm guessing B will head into town at some point, to either get some shopping, or go to the gym... or both... I really don't know what I'm going to do tho'......

.... whatever, I will be back another time....until then...

Bye Bye